Monday, July 19, 2010

So much blog fodder, so little internet access...

We've been in the new place a bit longer than a week, but haven't had the chance to get internet of any sort set up.  The house is old enough and in a poor enough neighborhood that it's not wired for cable or DSL.  Economics dictate that we not put out the cash for something to be run ourselves right now, so internet access is spotty as heck. 

Apparently, San Antonio has a rudimentary public wi-fi network, which seems to be centered downtown.  We're close enough to downtown that my computer picks up from one to three connections--and far enough that it can't actually connect to any of them.  There's one unsecured Linksys network nearby that *is* close enough to connect to...but only sometimes, and the connection is analagous to really shitty dialup.  So I'm down to typing up posts in Notepad and putting them up whenever I can.  I just enabled e-mail posting, since I can get to Gmail easier than to Blogger, & hopefully I'll get to mock Sylvia Romo sooner rather than later.

So if you've been wondering why Erik hasn't updated his blog recently, that's it.


Anonymous said...

A Pringles Can and USB extension cord might help. If you have an external wireless antenna ( I use a $30 Netgear), Google "usb antenna" or some variation for directions.

J.F Cooper

Mike W. said...

Unsecured linksys network is nice. Too bad it's slow. We don't have internet down the beach, but someone near us has an unsecured connection that I leech off of whenever I'm down there.

Borepatch said...

How to make a WiFi antenna from a Pringles can.

Then you'll need to aim it in the right direction. I find moving it 30 degrees and then having the computer refresh the WiFi networks works decently well.

Just remember to always use your Powers for good ...