Thursday, April 02, 2009

We're not *that* liberal a church.

R.I. priest defrocked for refusing to give up faith in Islamic religion

The Episcopal church is very theologically liberal, but we do expect our priests to be actually Christian. I don't think that's going too far.

It is a very short article, so I'll give a synopsis here. Rev. Ann Holmes Redding, who was ordained 25 years ago (quite probably making her one of the very first female priests in the Episcopal church) was defrocked by the Rt. Rev. Geralyn Wolf, bishop of Rhode Island, for refusing to recant her Islamic faith.

To quote the article: "In a statement released yesterday, Wolf called Redding 'a woman of utmost integrity' but said her open practice of Islam meant she abandoned the church." Well, yes. I think that's a fair conclusion.

The only other religion Episcopal priests are allowed to believe in is anthropogenic global warming.

To quote from that article, a quote from the Archbishop of Canterbury:

If we can change things so appallingly for the worse, it is possible to change them for the better also. But, in Christian terms, this needs a radical change of heart, a conversion; it needs another kind of 'redemption', which frees us from the trap of an egotism that obscures judgment.

Well then.

On the religion front, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church USA is going to be preaching at my church, St Mark's, at the 11:15 service on the 26th of this month.

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