Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ooh, this looks like fun!

Breda points out that spurious accusations of being "what's wrong with the world" can be made out of virtually any pair of pictures.  Never one to let stealing an idea pass me by, I figured I'd do a few of my own:

If you don't know who this is:

But you do know who this is:
You're what's wrong with the world.

If you don't know who this is:
But you do know who this is:
You're what's wrong with the world.

One more, and I'm going really esoteric here...

If you don't know who this is:
But you do know who this is:

You're what's wrong with the world.

Fun fact: I actually only believe it with one pair.  Feel free to guess which one (in your head is fine).

(Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4, Source 5, Source 6)


666777888 said...

Of the six, I only recognized one... I must be really wrong with the world! Sorry, I'll try to be better.

Unknown said...

I got two! And thanks for the link to that "Hot Guys" site, nice eye-candy!

Mark said...

The eye candy is nice, though the pants on rule seems a bit silly. I only recognized two - the dirtiest, poppiest two - at that. I am kicking myself for missing Octavia Butler, but the article you linked concerning her series is fascinating.

Thank you.